Sunday, March 15, 2009


She asked if I wanted my coffee mug rinsed
I hesitantly said yes and she ordered her employee
To do just that

Then she said that her husband
Doesn’t like to rinse his because
He likes to capture the flavor
I smiled and told her that I understood

She asked if I like coffee very much
And I just smiled & waited for my coffee
She pressed with another question and
Asked if I am a coffee connoisseur

I noticed how she was holding her baby
She still had that glowing look
That pregnant women have
And I considered how beautiful
She must have been before her pregnancy
And how her current beauty has improved
Into something so powerful

I like caffeine
I answered affably and
I wondered if her husband
Was the nervous looking
Fellow that was snooping
On me the day before as I tried
To write some work
On their second floor

I did not loose track
Of the smiley customer with
Fine facial features
Who stood next to me
Working with her paper cup
Looking ready to go

I thank the barista & the owner’s wife
And they answered in unison
And it sounded beautiful
Like church choir

I walked outside and spotted
Fine facial features getting in
A red car and driving away

I got in my car
And turned the engine on
Towards my left
A young Chinese girl
Walked on the sidewalk
Playing with her hair

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