revolucionario derribado
ante el gigante de plasma
yaces recordando
tus antiguos triunfos
hipnotizado por la radiación
del arco-iris
luchas de nuevo
oprimiendo códigos plásticos
que siembran ampollas
en tus dígitos guerrilleros
en tu mano reposa
tu nueva arma de silicio
que el señor tenga piedad
de tu mente embrujada
Thursday, July 02, 2009
The man on the entrance with sunglasses was talking on a cell phone, he greeted us as we passed him by, his badge was next to his tie, I did not bother to read his name. We entered the building and I saw the girl, the girl that walks with her eyes. I thought I would never see her again and I was happy because she had endured. I was happy to see her inside her dream.
At the security desk one of the guards was suspicious of me, but the Native American was a believer, he smiled as he gave me a visitor badge, and walked with me through the glances & cautious smiles of office workers. The guard opened the office door and said:
A voice from inside said:
“Come in”
I entered and saw my friend smiling. The guard disappeared & a secretary fill his void. I did not trust her.
“Sit down” said my friend.
“I rather not” I said.
“That’s fine… tell my about your project”
“Not here”
“Do you want some coffee?”
“Follow me”
We walked pass the front desk and headed towards a reading room where there were two coffee makers. We filled the Styrofoam cups and exited towards the garden. We sat on the table next to a window and a window washer appeared.
“I hope you understand” I said.
“I do” he said.
“What you want to do” I asked.
“Unknown voices towards known destinations… transmissions towards the ether”
“That sounds good, but I think you need help”
“I know”
“You want me to set up a station?”
“Maybe we can do it with the net”
“That’s a good idea”
“I have to get back before they get upset”
“Relax, have fun, remember that you are not alone”
“Thank you”
“You are welcome”
I walked back to the security desk but the two fellows were not there anymore. 3 girls were now on duty and one of them looked so much like you.
Posted by
12:06 AM
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Las llamas
Consumen el bosque
Los espejos se transforman
Días y noches de resplandores
Los pinos son antorchas
La fauna se convierte en veladoras
Es el amor silvestre
Es el cariño natural
Es una parte del mundo
Que siente calor
Que desea crear el futuro
Que desea consumir el pasado
Es el poema de nuestros espíritus
Posted by
12:46 PM
Monday, June 29, 2009
Rotation is only movement
Just like love is only love
And it moves lovers
To strange places
The truth is the truth
Lies are only lies
Nothing more
Usually a lot less
The world is the world
And it is yours
With a US passport
And now we can
See it spinning
Sinking to the bottom
Of the sea
The best place to be
The world
Is a wet location
For the most part
Getting your feet in the water
Is not a horrible thing
It is a matter of acceptance
Consider this
H20 is a chisel
Reason is simple
Persuasion is as natural
As life itself
It is those efforts
That create confidence
Posted by
11:14 PM
Fear is smaller than love
On summer’s Sundays
When the western light
Takes the windows
That face the ocean
When my eyes penetrate
The beauty of your image
When our efforts
Become the only hope
Alive in our hearts
When the truth
Becomes brilliant like the sun
And dark as a night with a new moon
Compelling like the best of intentions
Posted by
12:47 AM
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Eating tongue
Is not the same
As kissing it
The ingredients
Can hide the fact
Of the messages
Conveyed by grazing
And now converted
Into food & energy
Kissing a cow
Is not the same
As eating it
I rather kiss a fish
Before eating it
Fish are not paranormal
They swim in the sea
Waiting to become
The food of love
Posted by
7:44 AM