I love the world
Even though lies live
Underneath its surface
I care for the world
And when the lies were
Too much to bear
I began to walk alone
Seeing the world
All around me
With its vegetation
Its aridness
Its violence
And its charm
I found the invisible
Path of truth
On the narrow ways
And the cracks
Of forgotten streets
I love the world
And want to share it
With an honest apparition
A trustworthy vision
An authentic nightingale
A trustworthy moon
A reliable fire
Warm enough
To create the most
Fascinating events
Like lovers
Kissing in the water
Or walking down
The corridors of life
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Friday, April 17, 2009
I proceeded towards the sink
When she asked me if
I didn’t care for anymore
I looked at her and she was
Glowing more than ever
I told her that it would be fine
As long as there was enough
For everybody
She smiled and said there
Was more than enough
She looked
Pretty & happy
And the kitchen comes alive
When she’s near the stove
If she was single
I would probably asked her out
Her husband must be
The luckiest man alive
I sat on the chair
Placed the plate on the table
Contemplated the food
Before me
Baptized with red salsa
And it looked
More beautiful
Than ever
Posted by
1:24 PM
Thursday, April 16, 2009
The neighbors seem to be cleaning
they seem to be cleaner
this is just
a mirage of fatigue
They don't curse
at the swine anymore
now they speak to them
with metaphors
with poetry
with the language
of angels & flowers
and it looks like
they are trying to
pick up the garbage
In the north
they placed the dog in a cage
and I put the cage in my car
and drove south
till we crossed the border
and I glanced at the dog
as I drove and I
looked at it
and it like a good sport
and I considered keeping it
to for myself
But the true magicians
are the money changers
they make 2 hundred
of my pesos disappear
in front of my eyes
I wish they would
work their magic doing
the exact opposite
Nonetheless I pushed
my shopping cart
through the isles of commerce
and one customer spoke
into his cellphone:
“It looks like nothing
happened to him
he must have made
a deal with the devil
or something because
he looks healthy & complete”
And I remembered
the ascetics that claimed
to know how to trick the devil
and I remembered their words
and how it really made sense
back then
but I also knew
the axiom
easier said than done
is usually right
and know I know
those holy fools
were right
Posted by
4:52 PM