Thursday, June 11, 2009


The dominions of the mind
Are the easiest to create
Or to destroy
To tumble
To lift up
At the end
Only the truth remains

When I descended on the stairway
Towards the beach
I noticed it was tilted
And full of grains of sand
That taste like salt
Placed there by water

I stood on them
And considered
The people walking around
The ocean
The islands

The sanitary workers
Taking care of garbage

The depressed housewives
Walking like zombies

They young
The old
The terrified
The elated


Maxine said...

Hey Juan, your words are absolutely lovely. Have spent the morning here at you blog & I hope to be back soon. X Have you published anywhere? No matter if you haven't, your words here are as good as.

Martínez said...

Thank you Maxine!

JustThis said...

very much apreciated, fine tunings there at the end that caught my imagination...
We should partake in tea and conversation shortly to further discuss these narrative/feelings

Martínez said...

Thanks... with fine tuning we do what we can... looking forward to an exchange full of poetic distinctions...