Thursday, September 04, 2008


I love your face
What if we were hunting together
And you were single
And we fell in love

What would happen
As we lay side by side
In the darkness
The burning flame of love
Would keep us awake
Watchful for the sharp twist to the heart

You have the presence of nature
You have an overwhelming semblance
Your beauty is strength

I tremble when I see you
Because I know what you are capable of

You are a ferocious river
A killing lioness
A hurricane
A tornado
A smile that disables

You are an alien
A dove
A fisherwoman
A favorite from God

I know why you are a conqueror
I know you
I love you
I wish you a long life
I see you
I dream you

My teeth are breaking apart
Like when
Saint Genevieve presence
Would pulverize
The pottery
The clay
The ceramics
All the brims where
Demons would hide
Awaiting the lips of children

Tonight you have won
The hearts of the world
The hope of the people
Deep grateful feelings
From those extraordinary creatures
The need you the most

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