Thursday, August 03, 2006


Gluten free crackers
Are vulnerable
To matzaball sauce

But the
Veteran of life
Erased the threat
With 1 grit

He was able
To open 2 cars
1 was blue
The other 1
Was white

The little nice
Old lady
Told me where
I can find
Access to gold
Is well hidden
On the shelves
And it’s invisible

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


This ancient grain
Was discovered
In Pharaoh’s tomb
And it’s alive
Germinating in the
Corridors of commerce
It just takes
1 cup
In a jar
And the proteins
And vitamins
Will multiply
Like they do
In Egypt

Monday, July 31, 2006


It was a bathhouse
With a lack of protein
A farm of people
Biting into bottles
Healthy & naturally delicious
It was the vanilla
Of the world
Pollen of souls
With pillows of grain


To my sister and brother
Luisa & Chad

Marriage changes all things
Godly alliance
In flesh & blood
Supernatural strength
Of families that
Grow in the
Tree of existence
Unerasable miracle
That transforms
The souls of many
That makes 2 nations
Become 1
An invincible 1
Because love
Affects all things
In the universe
And even the angels
Are struck with awe
Because they know
They can’t taste
The flavors of matrimony
No matter what you do
You can’t ever
Destroy marriage
You can only alter it
It would be
Like trying to erase the sun
Like trying to
Obliterate the
Waters of
The 7 seas
Marriage conquers
Many wars
The obstacles in marriage
Are pieces of food
Along the way
That make you healthy
That make you stronger