Tuesday, April 29, 2014


Camino por el malecón olvidado
Y los seres a mi alrededor
Sujetan botellas de agua
En sus manos.

Tienen huecos en sus almas
Igual que yo.

Sólo que yo me conformo
Con el agua que está
En la olas de mar;
Me gusta más verla que beberla.

Los caminantes de la mañana
Me rebasan por las aceras,
Unos corren,
Otros caminan,
Todos me pasan.

Unos llevan perros
Con cadenas o sin ataduras,
Otros sólo pueden jalar las correas de sus vidas.

Camino y doy vueltas
Como un avión que hace trucos en el cielo.

Al mismo tiempo que veo los rostros de policías asustados
Observando autobuses nuevos que se detienen
A un lado de sus prisioneros.

Y quiero observar toda la escena
Pero también necesito observar la carretera
Porque para entonces estoy detrás del volante
Llegando al último lugar de este momento.

Y antes de continuar me doy cuenta que:
Poder escribir un poema
Es poder hacer todas las cosas
Que alguien pueda saber en el mundo entero.

Friday, September 03, 2010

More poems @ juaniswriting.blogpsot.com

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


I heard voices outside
And notice the ocean
Is on my front porch

People that I don’t know
Walk around my home
And I think
Maybe they believe
The ocean belongs to everyone

I rise up from bed
And feel like telling them:

“Go away”
“Leave me alone”
“Let me sleep”

But these guys were acting strange
And they did not look friendly
They were so confused
They were clearly very dangerous

I knew they were from another time
When they asked me
About my departed relatives

It was then I noticed
They were also very dead

I talked to them
And I remembered
Somewhere somehow
It is not good to talk to
The deceased

They told me they had
Something for me
Wrapped in newspaper
I told them they were making
A big mistake

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


First it was the darkness
Of your room
The sun of midday
Was trying to find cracks
Scanning and searching
The curtains
The walls
The ceiling
Any orifice where
A sliver of light
Could enter

Then you were
On top
Because you
Were slender
And then I was
On your body
Examining and entering
Your skin

It was the most sensible thing to do
It made sense to you
And it was alright with me

When the door was opened
We know it was time to go
Everybody towards their
Respective children

When the door was opened
There was sunlight everywhere
And that room
Was like any other room
In the world

You walked towards your obligations
Nonchalantly walked away
As if you had just drank
A glass of water
So I opened my eyes
And considered my next dream
As I started my day

Monday, June 28, 2010

between earth & water

the caveman
with the white mercedes
inspects the scene

he has cellphone
pressed against
his hear

he looks ridiculous
it is an effect
of defeat

he bends down
and touches the ground
his car beside him
with the door opened
immobilized on the road

i look
at the tv screen
and then i look
back at him
and he's gone

Sunday, June 27, 2010

look above

the image of swine
and their owners
upset for an economic lost
it is a dilemma
for what is important

those animals
them people

delivarance is the only solution
the message is broken
and it is working well
for all sides involved

i understand your profit
your captivity
i understand freedom

Saturday, June 26, 2010

bird in the ocean sun

not only the images
of the world
make of human eyes
springs of salty water

words in the midst
of traffic
can touch the most
untouchable of hearts

igniting respect
for new formations
in the sky

truly memorizing
your skin
with every touch


it was better
to sleep some more
than to rise up
like some kind
of silly revolution

it was better
to dream
about making love
than to put
my shoes on
and try to look serious

it was better
to turn towards the other side
and try to find out
if i could understand you
upside down

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo